Saturday, September 27, 2008

Speech... Impromptu!

The first year architecture students had their leadership training seminar in school today. As usual, I was in school also for the graduate program - a weekly routine. I was supposed to meet someone outside school during noon break but I decided to stop by their seminar to say hello to my friends who were facilitating. That was a decision I truly regretted.

When the guidance councilor saw me, she "forced" me to make a small speech in behalf of the dean. I was supposed to tell the first year students why we came up with that sort of activity. I knew that she had been trying to get some faculty members to make the speech but they all turned her down. I was never approached, so I guess I was the unwanted saviour.

To my surprise I was actually nervous and uncomfortable. To think that I used to meet with very important people in the board rooms of banks, universities and government institutions. Later I realized why. I don't want the students to be intimidated with my presence so they can approach me anytime, so I tried to suppress any manifestation of authority. It was terribly uncomfortable.

Darn, I ended up looking like an idiot... It was embrarassing... but I'll get over it... dum dee dumm.... I guess it's the image I want. Haha!

Friday, September 26, 2008

Thesis: The Subjective Rules for Approval

The following points are the result of my observation on how the thesis panel makes its decisions. As everyone well knows, the thesis puts the student's five years worth of effort to the test. Technically, to suffer a delay in graduation because of the thesis alone is valid. A well prepared student should not find it difficult to pass.

I drew up these points after studying how the thesis was conducted and how the panelists judged. There are no written rules on this area, but I am aware that the panelists (at the time of my study) are educated persons and as such, should follow a pre-conceived format on judging. They very seldom confer, but when they do, they manage to come to a consensus without much detailed explanation.

This write up is an attempt to put into writing the "pre-conceived ideas" of the jurors, which they practice by instinct. Other than the observation of their actuations, I also studied special cases which, at the surface, did not seem to follow conventions.

Because of lack of time, I decided to do away with the presentation of case studies for each scenarios presented below. I may be able to offer them upon request, but such case studies are private and sometimes confidential so I will be very selective on this point.

These points may come as a shock to many people. I am not presenting this as a result of a formal research study, but as an "educated opinion." They may shed some light in our understanding of events, but they are not meant to be presented or referred to as a guideline or a rule.

Here goes....

The person presenting the thesis is judged according to the following categories:

Category 1: On his ability to present his ideas on paper, and how accurately he does this. (This includes completeness of drawing, draftsmanship, presentation technique)
  • Category 2: On his ability to explain his ideas. (This includes mastery over his work, familiarity with the data and all other aspects of it, even if the output is very conventional)
  • Category 3: On his ability to arrive at a novel solution. (a possible genius in our midst?)
The person is judged according to which category he fits.
  • If the person is judged to belong to category 1, he must be able to satisfy the requirements of that category to pass.
  • If the person is judged to belong to category 2, he must be able to satisfy the requirements of that category. If not, he is given the chance to satisfy the requirements of category 1 to pass. But this "chance" is given if the panelists "feel" the person deserves it (because of personal knowledge of his ability, or whatever valid reason)
  • If the person is judged to belong to category 3, he must be able to satisfy the requirements of that category. If not, the same rule in category 2 applies. If he still does not satisfy the requirements of category 2 a very rare opportunity will be presented to him to satisfy the requirements of category 1. The person, however, has to be truly deserving or truly special.
The determination of "deserving" or "special" students is very subjective. There are no records to prove such claim, nor any form of measurement. There can only be a testimony of a mentor. Two rules may apply to make the testimony worth considering:
  • the mentor must be well-respected for his objectivity or clear judgment.
  • at least one other person must concur. in this regard, a tie-breaker may be called upon if needed.
The premise seems to be this: if a person is capable only of category 1, then his success in life will depend on how good he is in this category. The same applies to those in the higher categories but if they failed in those categories, the chance given them is to give allowance to possible factors that made them fail the expectations of the jury (sickness perhaps, or some temporary trouble at the wrong time).
For me, I will only question cases that do not fall in any of the scenarios above. Other people may have different bases.

Dum dee dumm....

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Video et Taceo

Actually, I'm writing this to express my confusion. I simply don't know how to react. The result of the thesis defense came out. While I'm happy that some made it, I'm also sad that others didn't... especially those who are close to me. And then there are the complaints against teachers and other students... I guess it's always like this every semester.

I've been trying to improve the thesis program and we were doing well. Suddenly everything changed. For some reason rules kept changing, faculty members are shying away from serving among the thesis panel, more confusions arose...etc.. etc... I hear it everywhere!

I am pretty sure that I'm not the only faculty member who is aware of this. I'm also sure that the current dean is fully aware of the situation. In the past I would do something about it, but I end up always confronting walls. Even the students who complained would not lift a finger. Perhaps it is best to apply the motto of Queen Elizabeth I: video et taceo (I see, and say nothing).

It seems like a motto eveyone else has adopted, even the students themselves. Sure they don't lack in the expletives and threats... but it ends there. If the people in government in the college and department are silent about it, if the students with valid complaints are silent about it, if the colleagues who can influence each other are silent about it... then taceo!

A typical day

Yesterday, after giving a 1.5 hours lecture to first year students about Baroque art, I decided to make an experiment. What would happen if I go to the library and sit near the entrance (I always hide in the faculty area to focus on work).

Well, first came a group of fourth year students. We discussed how they computed their number of stalls for the public market project they were working on. Then a  group of second year students asking about setbacks and other considerations for their project, a mixed-use condominium. A fifth year student followed. He needed help on rendering so I made arrangements for him to meet a friend who can help him. Then a graduate student came and asked for help on his landscape project and his research proposal. We discussed a bit and decided to set a schedule for it. The fourth year students came back. They made arrangements to work overnight in school next week and I'm supposed to accompany them....

There was a lot of "hellos" exchanged with students passing by... also text messages of students setting appointments.... after all of it I leaned back and reflected on the result of my experiment. My conclusion was plain and simple... I told myself that I needed a drink.

Thirty minutes later, I was in Cheaverz with some friends. I realized the reason I'm drinking is not because of my desire to unwind. I actually scheduled this already. I was supposed to meet up with other people to talk about things outside of school.... Otherwise I would be playing Generals in my laptop, or cleaning the apartment, or going to the malls...

Oh well... a typical day...

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Some wishes...

Yup. I'm still awake. =D

I was going over the National Building Code hoping to summarize the applicable provisions for a particular project. Suddenly I couldn't help wishing that there are better ways of doing this...

I wish someone would write a program where you only need to input the needed parameters and the program gives you back the applicable provisions for the project... This will make it easier for both architect and building official to check the plans....

I wish someone would specialize on the National Building Code so that any questions on the Code may be answered, and any conflicts settled... This will also pave the way to further refinements of the law...

Yup, I'm awake alright... but dreaming... ;p


This afternoon a student approached me in school to ask me about his thesis. Fine. I have so many students asking me for help regarding their thesis so I consented. This time, though, I ended up infuriated.

The system in USC is that you start working on your thesis while you're enrolled in the Design 9. Other than the major projects you are given in Design 9, you are supposed to submit a part of the thesis book.

Anyway, their deadline is October 10. Then comes this guy who asked me these questions: what should he do because someone told him his thesis is not possible? How should he solve his thesis?... For some reason I suddenly felt blood rush through my head....

I helped this guy to craft his thesis problem which the coordinators approved without any objections. Even his adviser did not offer any objections. We all saw that the thesis question was valid. So why is he doubting? Just because one person said otherwise doesn't mean we're all wrong. Is he saying that the coordinators, his advisers, and me are stupid?

My temper flared up when I learned that the dissenter is my "bestfriend." Is this student trying to make us fight over our opinion on his thesis? His reaction also made me realized that he has not done any research yet to prove or disprove anything! The deadline is just 18 days away! In effect, he was asking me to spell out the solution to him so that he does not need to read anything anymore. What a wacko!

I don't know... I made myself approachable to students so I can help them. It is just irritating to know how that majority of their problems is caused by acting only on the last minute. You see students with great potentials ending up with lousy output because of lack of time, even if they were given enough time at the start.

I cooled down after a while, and we both apologized (I think I really gave him a piece of my mind), but I never got to focus on what I was reading that time. I went back to my apartment still feeling hazy that I decided to just sleep it off.

I actually just woke up and, obviously, that incident was my first thought....

Monday, September 22, 2008

Bright Built Barn is Net-Zero Energy

bright built barn image
by Lloyd Alter, Toronto on 09.18.08
Design & Architecture (prefab)

"The next generation of sustainable building practices will not be about material performance or building imprint on local environments. The next generation of our most sustainable structures will be about designing with future adaptations and flexibility in mind, allowing the building to change overtime to adapt to both use and the environment. They will tell us when they are sick or healthy and sustain life itself."
The BrightBuilt Barn, designed by Kaplan Thompson Architects and built by Bensonwood, is a demonstration a net-zero building that attempts to do it all.

bright barn roof installation photo
We have covered Bensonwood before; they try to build houses that last generations, using a process called "open building", where components in the house can be easily changed and upgraded. According to the extensive and thorough press kit, the Structural Insulated Panel (SIP) walls ensure an R-40 shell that needs no furnace, even in Maine.
bright barn walls photo
They call it a 200-year house: " In today’s building culture, the average lifespan of new built structures is measured in decades, not centuries. There is little economic incentive for a developer or original owners to create structures that outlast their lifetime. This means that the carbon debt incurred by building the structure has a relatively brief period of utility, before the structure is demolished and another structure built, incurring additional carbon debt. The BrightBuilt Barn, on the other hand, is designed and constructed to last indefinitely as a result of both the durable qualities of its materials and by keeping its systems disentangled, allowing for flexibility and adaptability of design. "
I had my doubts at first, thinking that if they are sitting that roof on top of a SIP they are dreaming, that there is no way a particle-board and styrofoam sandwich is going to hold up that roof for two hundred years. But on closer examination of the pictures and section below it appears that the SIP is only used as a cladding and not as a structural system. (I hope my reading is correct)
bright built barn section image
bright barn section image
Other Notes:
Net-Zero: This building will generate more electricity over the course of a year than it uses.
Super Insulation: Continuous R-40 envelope (floors, wall, ceiling). This mid-coast Maine building requires NO FURNACE.
Open Source Collaboration: Team members have used web based communication systems to send and exchange information.
bright barn cross section photo
If it isn't the greenest project we have presented, it is certainly the best marketed, with a website, a wiki, a blog and an extensive press kit. We will check back when the interior is finished. ::Bright Built Barn

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Sorted out...

Whew! I just finished sorting the things left behind by the former tenant. I managed to salvage some very useful stuffs: pens, notebooks, drawing instruments, bags.... a lot! Well, can't throw the thrash yet. The garbage truck comes only on Tuesdays. Meanwhile I had everything placed in plastic bags ready to be thrown away. Can't wait for Tuesday...

The painters finished the ceiling downstairs. They are now applying the base coat for walls. By the time they come up here, my room should be ready for painting.

Hmmm... I need to buy a lockset and a pair of window blinds...

Friday, September 19, 2008


I'm finally connected to the world wide web!!!

Next step is to sort out and throw away the stuffs the old tenant left behind. Aaargh!! There's a lot! .... must buy garbage bags.....

Thursday, September 18, 2008

The Transfer

It took two days but I finally transferred all my things to my new abode.. yey!

I've made a list of things to do and buy... We're having everything repainted. The painters started this morning... Tomorrow, Smart Bro will install our internet connection. We're going wi-fi so my housemate and I can work anywhere in the apartment...

Hmmm.... Can't party yet until everything is done.

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Adviser in Deliberation...?

Fifth year students are telling me that the advisers are now requested to join in the deliberation of thesis proposals. Normally, after the letter of intent is approved the next step is to approve the research design.. or loosely called as "chapter one." This is the only time, however, that the presence of the adviser is required.

It seems that the first batch of proposals to be deliberated will be those submitted by the students I'm currently advising. Fine. I have already briefed the students concerned on what to do. There shouldn't be any problem.

I guess this new ruling is ok. My only concern though is whether they can sustain this improvement. It is common knowledge among those who have passed through the thesis program that the thesis coordinators are not really coordinated. On my part I always want to look at the bright side of it. For me, everything will turn out well... somehow....

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Fun with Research

Nothing beats our research class.... Actually I'm not enrolled in it. I already took it two years ago but I volunteered to assist the instructor. She's a sociologist. Our dean was very impressed with her when he heard her make a report in a research forum. He recommended that she teach the subject. I even had a blooper when I first called her up about the teaching offer. I thought I was calling a male persons since the name given to me was "Jo". Turns out it was a "Josephine."

Apparently she does not know anything about the practice of architecture. She was overwhelmed the first time she taught the subject. Some of the graduate students even questioned her ability to teach the subject. Well... long and short is... I decided to lend a hand. So far, things are doing well.. very well...

She had the idea of involving the class in a pilot research project. So every time we meet we would "huddle" to brainstorm in formulating the questions, defining goals, indicators, etc... We drew up a set of questions for interviews, went through a list of respondents, did actual interview, and just this afternoon she taught us how we are going to process the data. Unless the students are not interested at all, the activity was actually helping us understand the subject better.

The best part of it is actually LUNCH! Haha!... We arranged for pot luck and our class is like a picnic. It eases away tension, we get to talk freely about ideas... blah, blah.... My only complaint is that they ask me to finish up everything.... but they bring so much food!!!

Our teacher is celebrating her birthday next Saturday. Since we don't have a scheduled meeting that day, we arranged to meet outside Friday night so we can also celebrate. Hmm.... we should give a gift... think.. think...

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Meet my computer-saurus!

I have a friend who is a computer engineer. We got to know each other in college and we also got together when I worked in Manila. He inspired me to be a computer freak. Since we lived in the same residence hall, we were assigned to take care of the computers. I was in charge of the software while he takes care of the hardware.

To make our chores interesting, we assigned names to computers. It was the time when the Jurrasic Park movie was a hit so we named the computers after dinosaurs. Before we adopted that idea, we have already named our favorite computer as "compy" (for computer-saurus). We actually talk about our computers as if they were pets.

When I got my laptop I decided to continue the tradition... I gave it a name. Since it has become so much a part of me I decided to give it my second name: DINO (also because it can stand for dino-saur).

Just this afternoon I added more RAM to Dino so he runs faster now. I guess this is what prompted me to talk about him. I am just so happy that I don't have to wait so long for my programs to start... Dino used to crawl a lot... at least now he trots.

Oh well... I am such a nerd... ;p

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Name Fame, Name Shame

Last week some of my students invited me to ride with them. I thought they were on their way home so I hopped in. Well, turns out they were still meeting some friends near Paseo so I decided to just hang out and relax.

Except for my students, the rest were strangers to me. I found myself a comfortable corner and decided to just observe everyone and chit chat a little... This girl noticed me and introduced herself. When I told her my name is Troy I nearly fell of my seat because of her reaction... She actually gasped. "Sir Troy?" she exclaimed, "I heard so much about you!" Darn!

She must have noticed the effect on me so she quickly added: "... good things, of course."  Then she actually pranced back to her friends and "whispered" to someone that "sir Troy is here..." Oh well....

I'm old enough to know that you can never stop people from talking... about anything! But I still feel uncomfortable when people talk about me... especially strangers. It's been a week but I guess the impact is so much that it found its way here in my blog! haha!....Anyway.... moving on....

Trash Bash

Just a few days more before I transfer to the apartment and here I am mulling over how I can stick to my "travel light" motto. I guess there's no avoiding it. A lot of things will have to go, either to the trash can or to someone else. "One man's trash is another man's treasure," so they say. I wonder if there are trash/treasure objects here...

Some clothes definitely need throwing away, especially those that don't fit me anymore.. hehe... Some books should go as well... and magazines... and an involuntary collection of key-chains! I normally dispose objects piece meal. I take one or two with me when I go out then give it to the first person I meet.

Dum dee dum... maybe I'll sort things Friday... dispose Saturday... and move out Sunday...

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Onward Nomad!

My nomadic life continues! I'm finally transferring to an apartment after six years of renting a room. I simply need the space! Actually I have so many other needs and this apartment seems perfect. It's a two-storey, two-bedroom unit with a common toilet and bath, and it's just a stones throw away from the university where I teach and study. I'm sharing it with a student.

Ever since I left Davao after high school I've been transferring places to stay. In college alone I've been through five places. When I worked in Manila, I transferred residence halls twice (and transferred rooms a number of times). Even when I went back to Davao, I still keep transferring places to live. The six years I stayed in the room where I am now is the longest. I was able to transfer rooms three times though. So... what the heck is wrong with me?! hehe.... I dunno...

I remember the day I was to live Manila for good, I passed by my friend's house to say goodbye. I was on my way to the airport so he was very surprised to see me with only one big backpack which he gave me for week-long camps. I didn't realize I was bringing very little compared to what people normally expect from someone who is moving out. I just managed to tell him "I travel light."

I wonder how long I will be staying in this new place. My "house mate" wants me to stay long because he also plans to stay there for a long time. I hope so too...