Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Ed's Thanksgiving Party and After Party

The Party
Last March 26, I was invited to a thanksgiving party. It was organized by Ed Dilla and his family. Ed just recently graduated in college. He was my student in some subjects throughout his college years. His friend and thesis partner, Maiko, told me that Ed was under me in a total of five subjects.

The party was held in Montebello. I got to meet Ed's relatives although we didn't really mingle because I was with his batch mates all the time. It was funny because I was in a table with his batch mates who backed out from their thesis. I'll be meeting them in the upcoming first semester.

When the party ended, there was talk of an after-party party. On impulse I told everyone that I will not be joining them.  I was actually afraid of joining them in discos. I only dance if I do a lot of rehearsals, I don't dance impromptu. Besides, at this age, any awkward thing I do can get recorded in video and uploaded in the internet for the amusement everyone. For some reason I actually ended up joining them, and I didn't regret it a bit.

We had a few round of drinks in Pier One in the Walk, I.T. Park, then we went to BTC for a videoke jam session in what was Pod5 before. Afterwards, Robert suggested we have some hot chocolate drink in a place "under the flyover." We didn't expect it to be a sidewalk stall but we still had fun. We parted then because it was already 1am. I know it's still early for the kids but I still have work the following day so I went on ahead. Apparently they also went home after me.

We had a lot of fun! I wondered afterwards whether it would be my last to join them in these types of activities. Formal parties, maybe, but after-parties? I guess that's why I recorded this event is because I have an inkling that there won't be any more activities like this for me. Anyway, I'm very thankful that Ed invited me. I actually felt honored especially because I don't get invited that much =)

The After-Party

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