Saturday, October 4, 2008

CAFA Circus

CAFA is really turning out to be a circus. There are just too many colorful characters around... not to mention the fancy appearances.... The gay community has flourished, and has become very expressive. One of them even comes to school with a fancy head band which he changes everyday. Everyone else is simply... comfortable.

A couple of days ago, while I was busy going around the building I suddenly realized something which made me stop in the middle of CAFA's lobby... The freshmen has taken over the whole building! Everywhere I look they're there. They all feel very comfortable. No inhibitions. High profile.... a stark contrast to the higher years.

When we transferred to the new building five years ago I wondered what culture would emerge in CAFA. There are cultures which can be institutionalized as initiated from the top. There are those that simply formed out of everyday activities and concerns. On the first part, I took part in defining the culture that CAFA should take, but its success will depend on the other part. Together they will form the unique character of CAFA which the students will unconsciously carry with them when they leave. The character that will mark them as USC-CAFA and which will consequently make (or break) the image of the college.

So far, the process has been slow, as expected. For now what has emerged is a circus. It will mutate into something else after some time. In my estimation, the batch of first year students now will be the trailblazers.


  1. hahahahahahaha.....i know who's bozo the clown!!!! aahahahahah

  2. The chinese mafia, the ghetto, the trying hard to be mexican ese`, the pretending to be black community, the scientology dudes, the earth friendly crusaders..the funnelists and the sexually happy group.. kita we belong to the D group... the dinaogdaog group

  3. generally, eccentric fashion statements...

    well let's place them side-by-side with jollibee, ronald, & barney!

    count me out from the high-profile freshmen...hahaha

  4. generally, eccentric fashion statements...hehehe

  5. mura jd circus ky naay mga oversized students.. hehehe richard boi!

  6. hahahaha....a circus indeed....hahaha...

  7. Hoy mga clowns! ayaw mu pag away dire... ;p

  8. hmmm... the fashionistas are not the only high profile ones.... there are also the loud mouths, the over-friendlies, blah..blah... and... you! hahahaha!!!

  9. mao paman na tuiga pag anak nako.. hehe

  10. di oi, batch man kuno mong seno hehehee
