Thursday, October 2, 2008

Nights in School

This week I spent three nights in school to accompany a group of fourth year students who worked on their plates. The college allows the students to work overnight provided that they process the necessary permit forms and that a faculty member accompanies them.

I'm not the design teacher of these students but I happen to be the convenient choice. Aside from the fact that I am single, I also live just across the school. In fact, I seem to be the only choice for this role... uh oh...

Anyway, after three nights of sleeping on chairs and tables I should be happy to go back to my bedroom. Unfortunately, the painters have started to work on my bedroom so I was forced to stay in the living room until they finish. That means sleeping on our bamboo sofa... Aside from lacking sleep, my muscles are really feeling weird... Lately my colleagues and friends have spotted me falling asleep anywhere in the campus. I hope no one thought of taking pictures...

Aaah... I miss my bed... zzzzzz....

1 comment:

  1. stress na sir, ehehehe...

    what if ibtang nimu imung kutchon sa bamboo sofa? hehe...
