Monday, October 6, 2008

Comes the Rain

At 3pm today I left my apartment to go to school. It's the final exam week and today, Monday, is supposed to be a free day. The thesis coordinators, however, decided to go ahead with their scheduled deliberation for thesis proposals. Unfortunately for me, one of the group I am advising is scheduled today. Most of the advisers don't bother to join the deliberation but I decided to support the coordinator's policy as well as support the students I am advising.

Since I live near the school, I walked. Along the way some students called me and we decided to have snacks together. I was quite early so I took my time. As the first group of students left another group arrived. We chatted leisurely. One of the students asked me about my plan to go to Singapore. I was surprised that she knew. She said that one of the guys I hang out with lately told her. The guy told her that they should make full use of me while I have not left for Singapore yet... The word he used was actually "abuse"....

The story of my life....

I pondered long and hard... and decided to let go... let go of my friendship with students... I have nothing more to say about it...

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