Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Trash Bash

Just a few days more before I transfer to the apartment and here I am mulling over how I can stick to my "travel light" motto. I guess there's no avoiding it. A lot of things will have to go, either to the trash can or to someone else. "One man's trash is another man's treasure," so they say. I wonder if there are trash/treasure objects here...

Some clothes definitely need throwing away, especially those that don't fit me anymore.. hehe... Some books should go as well... and magazines... and an involuntary collection of key-chains! I normally dispose objects piece meal. I take one or two with me when I go out then give it to the first person I meet.

Dum dee dum... maybe I'll sort things Friday... dispose Saturday... and move out Sunday...


  1. hand 'em books over to me =D
    and the magazines too...xept those playboy o'course...=D

  2. then saturday it is!!!!,,,,ay nlag ktinga sir kng manuktok kos inyo nya nay karton nga gidala,,,,,hehe,,

  3. haha!.. i'm sure the guys would like to have those...

  4. It would really be a surprise. You don't even know where I live! =D

  5. i have my ways,,,,,ngyak ngyak ngyak,,,,
